Category: Addiction

man with untreated alcoholism reaches out for a glass of liquor

Understanding Dry Drunk Syndrome

Addiction often ingrains negative thought patterns and behaviors. Simply removing substances without addressing these core issues can lead to what’s known as ‘dry drunk syndrome.’ This term describes someone who, while sober, continues to struggle with unaddressed behavioral patterns. At Discovery Place, we understand that true recovery involves treating the

what is polysubstance abuse

What is Polysubstance Abuse?

Drug abuse is becoming more and more common in America. It is also becoming common for drug users to use more than one substance. So what is polysubstance abuse? The short answer is using more than one drug to reach a state of euphoria considered to be “acceptable” to the

Adderall withdrawal

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

It is not surprising news that prescription medications can be abused, and lead to addiction. Adderall is no different. Just as widely misused and abused as any other drug, stopping use can lead to Adderall withdrawal symptoms. Also like most other drugs, these symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable. 

cocaine withdrawal

How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?

When a person uses cocaine for long periods of time, it can cause the user to require greater amounts of the drug in order to achieve the effect they are seeking. Now what happens when a person stops using cocaine? How long does cocaine withdrawal last? Well, that depends on


Xanax and Alcohol Interaction

Xanax interacts with other drugs and substances in different ways. For example, did you know that if you are taking Xanax, you should avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice? This is because grapefruit contains a chemical that can affect how your liver metabolizes Xanax. You should also avoid alcohol if you


Can Alcoholics Ever Drink Again?

Wanting to remain sober while wishing you could drink alcohol can seem paradoxical and confusing to yourself and those surrounding you. But many people who stop drinking regularly ask the same question: “Will I ever be able to drink again?” It can be difficult to maintain sobriety when surrounded by


How To Quit Smoking Weed

Marijuana has been decriminalized in most States, with many people seeing it as a harmless substance. Although smoking weed can be an acceptable way of treating pain, relieving stress, and unwinding, it is not entirely without risk, especially when used from a young age. While marijuana may be less habit-forming


What Are the Benefits of Inpatient Rehab?

What Are the Benefits of Inpatient Rehab? The first step to recovery starts with owning up to your addiction. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but acknowledging it will help you realize that you’re the only one who can change anything. Before diving in, it’s best to arm yourself

How to Rebuild Trust in Relationships After Rehab

How to Rebuild Trust in Relationships After Rehab

After leaving rehab, you will have to begin the process of readjusting to life while sober. Before attending rehab, you may have fractured many close relationships due to your active addiction, and this realization may leave you feeling deflated, lost, and alone. You may also have felt distrustful of others

Why Do Opioids Cause Withdrawals?

Why Do Opioids Cause Withdrawals?

To understand why opioids cause withdrawals, it is essential to uncover how they are addictive. By increasing your awareness of opioid abuse, you will have the ability to recognize the signs of dependency and addiction. This can assist you in seeking treatment and support. Why Do Opioids Cause Addiction? Opioids