Category: Testimony

Why Keeping In-Touch With Support After Recovery Is Important

Why Keeping In-Touch With Support After Recovery Is Important

The stages of substance abuse start slowly as the disease takes hold and then rapidly speed up to end in a very sad, isolated existence. There are five stages that one goes through before they have a full-on addiction: Experimentation which is the voluntary use of substances and usually engaging

Strategies To Help Avoid Relapse

Strategies To Help Avoid Relapse

When one is ready to get clean and reclaim their health and life it is a commendable action. Entering treatment is an intimidating proposition for many addicts. Once initial treatment has been completed, the feeling of getting back to your life with all the positive benefits you’ve gained can be

Rebuilding Relationships After Addiction

Often referred to as a family disease, addiction affects every part of an individual’s life and relationships negatively. It’s not just the person struggling with a substance abuse problem that needs treatment, close loved ones and families also need interventions from the impact abuse puts on everyone.  Addicts don’t think

How Support Your Newly Sober Friend
Family Support

How Support Your Newly Sober Friend

The bad news is your friend has a substance abuse problem. The good news is they wanted to get help and they got it. You miss your old friend and want them to be themself again and get healthy. You are supportive of their decision to seek treatment and you

Understanding How Addiction Affects the Brain

How Long is Alcohol Detox?

Voluntarily giving up unhealthy habits such as overeating, smoking, and alcohol can be incredibly difficult life choices. Alcohol, in particular, can be especially difficult because there is more of a challenge than just giving up the substance. Not only can addictions hurt and tear apart relationships, but the process of

Understanding the Link Between Co-Occurring Disorders

9 Alternatives to Antidepressants

Taking a new medication can be scary. There are so many potential side effects that the commercials depict.  Add to the fact that there may have been a co-occurring addiction to alcohol or drugs, and they become even scarier. In addiction, we get in the habit of allowing our substance

Stages Of Relapse Defined

Stages Of Relapse Defined

It is common for those who are struggling with addiction to make attempts at recovery only to relapse. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism indicates that there is significant evidence to support that almost 90% of alcoholics will relapse sometime during four years after treatment. Some may think

Sober Living After Rehab
Family Support

Sober Living After Rehab

Successfully completing a rehabilitation program can spell major success for living the rest of your life sober. It may be a scary thought to think of how your life will be after treatment has completed when you begin looking at the lifelong process of staying sober. There is no doubt

Working Through Relapse as a Woman

Working Through Relapse as a Woman

After completing a treatment program, the hardest part is living sober and not falling back into old destructive patterns. Each day is a new opportunity at a sober life; it is also a new challenge to stay clean. Relapsing will often result in feelings of defeat, which can snowball into loss